Shop Our Living Room

Here is our living room! While it carries a general style, it is an ever evolving project that everyone seems to enjoy on a visit into our home. It’s arid, there’s the most incredible cross breeze, and while it’s a petite room at 12’X19′ it’s been a landing place for conversation.

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A Guide To Decorating A Space You Will Love

If you’re at a loss for how to start decorating your home, or maybe you have tried your hand at decor only to find you aren’t happy with the results, this guide can help you become more comfortable determining your design style and creating spaces you love. Always make a plan before you start and make sure you aren’t following what is trendy just because it’s popular. Let your design style reflect your personality.

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Spring Playdough Mats

Spring is almost here and I am so ready to say goodbye to winter! This month we are studying insects and butterflies in preparation for our adoption of some real caterpillars, but there are other important parts of spring to celebrate besides the creepy crawlies. Easter is one of our favorite holidays and I just cannot resist a corned beef sandwich for St. Paddy’s. Join us in our spring studies and add these free printable playdough mats into your child’s class time.

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